On the past “Gamere” the essence of the super -secret presentation Royal Quest There was something like this – “ Katauri, which created “Cosmic Rangers” and King’s Bounty, a new project!”. Noise in the hall, applause. “And this is MMORPG”. Noise in the hall, glancing. “You can play with friends, kill monsters, swing and perform quests! Ask your questions “.

Of course, there were questions. But they answered them in the same style. Someone raises his hand, asks, they say what kind of play will be, that it is the main one and so on, they reasonably answer: “In Royal Quest You can play with friends, kill monsters, swing … “

In general, it was not clear what was doing for a long time Katauri. I did not want to believe that the developers simply spat on Russian reality and decided to “go online” simply because everyone went and so easier. Especially how he sang Vysotsky: “They say that we are floating behind a long ruble. By the way, you just can’t get long rubles ”. And if they took up mmorpg, then it should be some kind of … “Kataurivskaya”, no less.

And at the Gamer for the first time it was possible to try it yourself Royal Quest, and also talk with one of the game designers who also talked about what is not yet in the current version of the project.

Unlike many competitors, Royal Quest is very bright and “daytime”. There are many open areas, traveling through which we are not only in the dark.

What is it Royal Quest? Royal Quest – This is Diablo. More precisely, mmorpg with gameplay in the spirit of Diablo. We heard about Mythos? So you know



We create a character, choose a class and fall into the beautiful world. Yes, the first thing the game bribes and what is very cool for the exhibition is the appearance of the project. By the way, I came across Royal Quest Almost by accident. Walked, looked around, like a bam! -On the horizon, something was so bright, festive … in a word-beautiful. He came closer, got up to the computer and only then looked at which stand I am at. And already at that moment it became clear that in Katauri really were not going to do mmo for mmo.

Diablo, but only with the Russian soul

But we’ll talk about beauty in video excreation. Now we will pay more attention to the game process.

As mentioned above, Royal Quest Mechanics is similar to Diablo. That is, the view from above, the hero has a set of skills, and against him – hordes of monsters that need to be killed, in order to receive experience and all kinds of delicious ones like gold and things.

True, there were not so many in the current version of the opponents, so sometimes even the dungeons were empty. But the developers say that the enemies will increase after the release, only to hope that they will be as many as in Diablo, you should not. Still Royal Quest – This is MMO, moreover, MMO, which is designed for the most different audience: casual and hardcore, with muffle computers and very weak cars.

The developers focused on the fact that not only you see what kind of damage to the enemy, but also the rest. Like, demonstrate to everyone how long you have … damage.

Compensate the lack of monsters per square centimeter of the screen Katauri intends to destroy opponents with a special approach. No, we do not have to pick each creature for five minutes, but the authors came up with many different tricks, some of which they do not yet disclose. But it is already known, for example, that sometimes in a location, where we calmly and without much inclusion in the process of consciousness chop the enemies, a high -level beast may wander. It will be almost impossible to kill him. Because you have to do it? That’s right – to drape it as soon as possible.

Also, battles with bosses should become very interesting. Moreover, even if they are much lower than you level, it is still hardly possible to break them into pieces without any problems. If you are already struggling with the boss, please prepare well!

And in general PVE is the basis of the project. Developers expect that in Royal Quest It will be very interesting to travel around the world, chop the monsters, still chop the monsters, cut again … Diablo is!

Entertainment of “dadders”

There is no free PVP zone, but you can fight against other players. For this there are special arenas and battles for locks. Moreover, if the PVE-component can completely test and study even casuals, then the battles between the heroes are suitable only for hardcores.

By the way, about hardcore. I can’t help but share history. Game designer also told her Royal Quest: “I walk near our stand, sometimes I go to the computer free – I check how everything works, I play. And once again I look-someone is running on a PVP-Arena, and we have a balance there now … to put it mildly, not perfect. And now the guy who, apparently, quickly learned this, decided to fight with me. He attacked me, killed, then attacked again, killed again … repeating it five times, he proudly wrote “Noooooob!”And came out”.

Arenas, but much more interesting is the battles system for castles. It is already familiar that in MMORPG, in order to capture something large, you need to collect a huge crowd of characters of the highest levels and destroy everyone in their path. IN Royal Quest differently. Here, teams of 2-4 people fight for castles. And this is not a bunch of mal, it is a complex step-by-step process. For example, at one of the stages there is a fight for the key to the portal. A sort of “capture of the flag”, only you still have to fight off the mobs and look for where to bring this “flag”.

After several stages, there is a final PVP bit, and the one who won receives the fortress in his hands. Moreover, the possession of the castle is also a special thing. The owner does not just get some money. No, cool dungeons are available to him, which are visible to everyone who runs past. Other players can approach, see how interesting the monsters are found there, what useful things fall from them … stand, stare and lick their lips. I am familiar with many MMORPG, and there is hardly at least one project in the market that I have not heard about, but such an idea with the capture and control of the castle is simply beautiful.

Still, it was not for nothing that I believed in Katauri. For any long ruble, the developers did not swim. They have already made magnificent “Space rangers 1-2”. They managed to create an amazing role -playing strategy King’s Bounty. And now they have taken up mmorpg. And it would be possible to slide down to the creation of something gray and banal. So they did not slide.

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